A Blog For Sports In Detroit

A Blog For Sports In Detroit...With A Little Bit Of European Flavor Added In

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lions Get Horse Collared In Dallas-Lidstrom, Wings win a thriller in OT

WINGS WIN!!!!!!!! The Red Wings finish off a great comeback on the Flames winning in overtime 5-4, thanks to their captain Nick Lidstrom. The Wings looked like they had broken their coaches cardinal rule of starting on time, falling behind Calgary 3-1 i the second period. But as they have been able to do lately they found away to battle back with Henrick Zetterberg scoring with 3.2 seconds left to send the game into overtime. It was all Wings in the extra period culminating in Darren Helm making a great centering pass to Lidstrom who made an even better play deking out Flames goalie Mikka Kiprusoff and tucking it in on the back hand for the game winner. Despite the slow start the Red Wings made it a great game to watch turning it on in the third with Datsyuk and Zetterberg scoring to keep their team in the game eventually leading to Z's 2nd goal that tied it up at 4. Red hot Danny Cleary was not only held without a goal in the game but left the game with what looked to be a shoulder injury near the end of the 2nd, hopefully it is nothing to serious that will cause him to miss an extended amount of time. All in all it was a great way to end the 6 game home stand taking 11-12 available points. The Wings will take to the road, traveling to Hotlanta to battle a much improved Thrasher team on Wednesday night.

The Lions lost their 26th road game in a row today, losing to the Cowboys 35-19. It was another typical Lions performance that ended just how it should have with them getting swept under the rug by the end of the game. Apparently though the NFL has instituted a new rule where it is only a foul if the Lions commit it. Numerous times today the officials called the Lions for illegal block in the back, but when the cowboys made similar plays later on in the game not only were they not called for the block in the back but the broadcast team showed on replay just what a great play it was. The worst penalty i have ever seen in my life was called today, when on a second down and goal play Ndamukong Suh made a big play in the back field clearly grabbing Marion Barber by his dreadlocks and pulling him down to the ground to set up what would have been a 3rd and goal from the 11. But remember kids its only a foul if the Lions do it, so predictably a yellow flag was thrown on the play and they ruled the Suh had used a horse collar tackle to bring down Barber. The call gave the Cowboys a new set of downs and an extra five yards which they took advantage of scoring a touchdown. The Lions get a few days to rest and regroup and then get to enjoy being the turkey on Thanksgiving when they will most likely get run out of their own building by the New England Patriots.

Goodnight from the greatest sports city in the world and go fuck yourself NFL officials

Drew in the D

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